You must ensure that the system is installed as an unbroken barrier. There must be no gap between the start of the fence and the first post.
The first post for each fence run must abutt each other to ensure that there is no gap between the spinning paddles. Ensure paddles overlap sufficiently in corners to form an unbroken barrier as best as possible.

If leaving a gap is unavoidable, you must cover it by other means. For example, you can attach tall pieces of polycarbonate to cover up the gaps.
Fence Height Requirement Not Met
If your fence is under 1.8 metres, consider extending the height to meet our minimum height requirement.

System Too Low Under the Fence Line
Oscillot must be installed as high as possible, preferably hovering over the fence top. Sometimes customers install several inches under the fence top, leaving a large section of the fence for the cat’s reach above the system.

Paddles don’t spin or fall out
Carefully follow our installation instructions and make sure to leave a 1mm gap when measuring the position of the next post kit. This will ensure that the paddle will spin freely. Do not leave a gap larger than 1mm so that the paddle doesn’t fall out during the spin.

Using leftover cut-off pieces of paddles in corners
The last paddle in each fence run will most likely need to be cut down to size. If you are using a short (less than 15.2cm) leftover piece of a paddle, try avoiding placing it at a fence corner or at the end of a fence line. Those are higher risk areas and placing a very short piece of a paddle might give a cat an extra leverage to assist an escape. Instead, place a longer paddle closer to the end, and have the short piece in between the long paddles:
Any offcuts can be used on smaller sections, such as between a house and gate.
Cut the paddle using either:
>> An electric drop-down mitre saw with an aluminum cutting blade or;
>> A sharp fine-toothed aluminum saw.
Eliminating Climbable Objects and Platforms
Fence rollers installed around the perimeter of your fence line is most effective at containing your cats if you have identified and corrected all other routes (other than the fence) that your cat may use to escape your yard. Your cat may also be using windowsills, outbuildings, trees or roofing to exit your yard.
"Your cat may also be using windowsills, outbuildings, trees or roofing to exit your yard."
Block off any spaces between fences and buildings where your cat may squeeze through as well as clothesline structures, planter boxes and raised garden beds etc.
Remove items such as garbage bins, building materials, barbecues etc. near the fence line that may assist your cat to scale fences. Also remove shrubbery, bushes and trees and tree branches near fences that your cat may use to escape or use cat tree guards to prevent your cat from climbing trees near the fence line.
Even with Oscillot® installed, hot water units, gas units and air-conditioning units next to the fence line can make a perfect platform for a cat to jump onto and then leap from in an escape attempt. It is recommended that these types of platforms are cat-proofed so the cat cannot jump on top of them. This is generally as simple as installing a sheet of rigid, clear polycarbonate sheeting on an angle from the outside edge of the unit up to the wall or fence. This prevents the cat from getting on top of the unit, or if they get on top of the unit, it prevents them jumping. Sheds need to be cat-proofed where possible if they are within 1.8 metres of the fence line.
"Sheds need to be cat-proofed where possible if they are within 1.8 metres of the fence line."

Installing cat rollers on the shed roof perimeter will prevent the cat from jumping on top of the shed and using it to aid in an escape attempt. The same application applies for most shed types, as long at the roof is at least 6 feet high and there is a flat surface on top of the shed on which to install the system.
If you find that your cat is managing to scramble up your post and rail fence and over, even after installing Oscillot®...
You can install a sheet of polycarbonate below the paddles to cover the horizontal rail and top of the vertical post. This will prevent the cat from being able to get any traction near the top of the fence, preventing the scrambling over and, in conjunction with Oscillot®, making your fence cat-proof.